
Member since 1st Oct 2021

Our award winning flexible and pop-up quiet rooms and sensory spaces, focused on event welfare, neuroinclusion, and mental wellbeing, have been meticulously designed to offer a serene mental escape within a safe, supervised, and accessible space. These spaces are specifically tailored to support and enhance the overall event experience for individuals.

Conferences and events are vibrant and dynamic environments, brimming with opportunities for learning and exploration. However, they can also be overwhelming, exhausting, and triggering for many individuals due to the constant stimulation and outward-facing nature. Our quiet rooms provide a sanctuary where attendees can retreat when they feel overwhelmed or overloaded by the sensory input of their surroundings. These spaces offer individuals the time and space they need to calm their sensory and nervous systems, allowing them to decompress and find respite.

The role of event welfare is to provide emotional and practical support to all event attendees.

2 Superstars testimonials for EventWell

Helen and team were a delight to deal with

Helen and team were a delight to deal with. They were prompt, very self contained and were a real 'wow' factor for our delegates, who so appreciated the opportunity to 'take 5' and re-balance. Thank you!

2 years ago by Heather Lishman, ABPCO

Just what I needed...

Just what I needed, when I needed it. EventWell Hub was a space to step outside of the 'event' pressure and experience a sense of calm. The environment, the EW team were spot on.

2 years ago by Lou Kiwanuka

Were you impressed with EventWell?

If so, give them a DW Superstar and leave them a testimonial here. All comments are moderated by The Delegate Wranglers team and may take up to 24 hours.

Short is better. About 5-10 words.

FAQs answered by EventWell

Do you provide on-site event support?
You can speak to us about our new hub and quiet room event service, providing safe and inclusive spaces at events supported by EventWell® trained hosts, who are fully trained mental health first aiders, suicide first aiders and certified in neurodiversity awareness. These spaces are designed to support mental health and neurodiversity for anyone that may need them; crew, contractors, exhibitors, speakers, visitors and attendees.
Do you provide wellbeing at work programmes?
Talk to us about our brand new Event Welfare Champion training that we have developed with Google and The Neu Project, we have face to face and online options for training your event team members
Do you provide mental health first aid training
In partnership with Gavin Percy and Balancing Edges who have been our preferred partners for MHFA training for the past two years, they also offer suicide first aid training.
How do you offer support
You can talk to us and contact us via our free infoline number 0800 470 0958 or by emailing support@eventwell.org and we will assist and signpost to essential services and professionals. We also offer essential grocery shops, hardship relief grants, talking therapies and financial aid via our Pledge by EventWell® peer support programme.
Are there any other services that you provide?
We lead on the event industry's annual Event Wellbeing Day and Event Wellbeing Week campaigns that take place in March and September as part of our outreach education, and we also offer a great little online store where you can purchase a range of goods designed to support mental wellbeing, as well as our new event sensory rescue kits. You can speak to us about any of our Store products as event giveaways or gifts for speakers and customers.