ARC Report Shortening Lead Times

ARC Report Shortening Lead Times

Published by Neil Thompson

12th July 2024

Published by Neil Thompson
12th July 2024

Arena Racing Company (ARC), the UK’s largest racecourse group, is witnessing a decrease in lead times across the group’s 21 venues. The shortening of booking schedules reverses behaviour trends from the back end of 2023 and is specific to the summer party and conference sectors, which have seen year-on-year reductions of up to 22% in lead times, as of June 2024, respectively.

The group believes that the data, which was taken from across its venues, including 16 of its premium racecourses, signifies an increase in confidence within the sector, but also a general feel from businesses that events can be used as a shorter-term sales, marketing, and communication media.

ARC also reports that these shorter lead times are not just specific to smaller events but include major delegate numbers, upwards of 120 for conferences and 700 for summer parties.

“We’ve seen a major summer party confirm a 750+ delegate event in the last few weeks for September, the sort of booking that would typically book a year or so out. Equally, we’re seeing large conferences book four to six weeks out.”

Julie Coates-Walker, Group Head of Sales, ARC

“It’s not just venue specific but something we’re seeing across the group, up and down the country and encompassing major summer parties and conferences,” continues Julie. “It’s a real endorsement of our venues, and the producers and suppliers we work with, but also a sign that events can be a short lead medium, which can be activated quickly and dynamically for brands and businesses.”

ARC recently launched its Summer Party Packages, and the group still feels that more events are looking to book late for summer seasonal events. “We’re used to Indian summers here in the UK and that summer season is getting stretched,” concludes Julie. “Event organisers know it and they’re confident of making these events really count.”