Have your say in BVA BDRC’s research within the Meeting & Events sector

Have your say in BVA BDRC’s research within the Meeting & Events sector

Published by Neil Thompson

31st January 2022

Published by Neil Thompson
31st January 2022

The last two years have been incredibly challenging for the meeting and events sector and it’s time to take its pulse.

The market has begun a cautious move towards recovery and BVA BDRC, the award-winning international consumer and business insight consultancy, is looking for people in the industry to complete a short survey and help build an accurate picture of where we are now.

“At BVA BDRC we are focused on piecing together valuable insights for the Meeting & Events sector. We are gathering opinions of corporate/agency event planners across the industry to help us understand the M&E sector as we live through a pandemic and how it’s now changing, learn what's important to bookers and gather an insight into what success means in 2022. We will share the insights across the sector, so your involvement in this piece of research is so important to us and the industry.”

Karen Small, Director at BVA BDRC

If you would like to contribute, please complete the short survey which takes around 8-10 minutes to complete: https://www.research.net/r/PK2H8H2

Upon completion, you will be entered into a prize draw to win a £250 Amazon voucher and, when BVA BDRC have received an appropriate number of responses, they will be making a generous donation to Meeting Needs charity.