One Industry One Voice movement grows with more campaigns on board

One Industry One Voice movement grows with more campaigns on board

Published by Neil Thompson

27th October 2020

Published by Neil Thompson
27th October 2020

One Industry One Voice is an organisation raising awareness of the vital role the events industry plays, and uniting all campaigns fighting for the survival of the industry and its experiences.

One Industry One Voice has grown over the past two weeks to include #WhatAboutWeddings, #SaveNightlife and #SaveLiveComedy, joining #WeMakeEvents, UK Music's #LetTheMusicPlay and #WeCreateExperiences.

The Delegate Wranglers have been supporters of the One Industry One Voice movement since the very beginning

Michael Kill from the @NTIA commented: "The initiative around #OneIndustryOneVoice is an important moment for the cultural sector, for the first time bringing together key associations and campaigns to synchronize and establish a shared platform of political, cultural and economic developments both within associated industries and Government"

The movement has also recently launched it's social media channels which it is urging everybody in the event industry and beyond to get behind:


Together we are stronger! 💪🏻

#OneIndustryOneVoice #Events #EventsIndustry #Experiences #Experiential #TogetherStonger”