In his briefing to the media today, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson announced the government will be introducing the 'Rule of six' in England from Monday 14 September onwards.
This single measure replaces the existing bans on more than 30 meeting and the rule of only two households - this new legal limit will be enforced through fines. The PM also said the public still must limit social contact "as much as possible" and limit social interactions.

Other new measures include hospitality venues, such as pubs, having to legally record people's details - and fines will be issued if they don't. Covid secure marshalls will also be introduced in town and city centres that local authorities can draw upon to ensure social distancing is adhered to from Monday onwards. Measures at the border will be stepped up to ensure quarantine rules are adhered to as well..
Mr Johnson went on to say, "Covid secure venues like places of worships, gyms, restaurants & hospitality venues can still hold more than six in total but within those venues, however, there must not be individual groups of larger than 6 and groups must not mix socially or form larger groups. Education and work settings are unaffected. Covid secure wedding and funerals can go ahead up to a limit of 30 people and organised sports can proceed."
He also reiterated that the public should remember the basics in taking preventative measures to stop the spread of Covid 19 - washing hands, wearing face covering and social distancing at all times.
More detailed information to follow in the next few days.