For our latest ‘Getting To Know’ feature, we caught up with Kate Plowright – Founder and Director at Selling Savvy
Q. In a nutshell, tell us about your business and your role there
A. I am the Founder and Director at Selling Savvy; a sales training company with a difference! We work with hotels, event venues and event suppliers to increase conversion. Our main difference is that we believe strongly in accountability. We offer Accountability Sessions via conference call 2 weeks after each workshop where we make sure improved procedures have been implemented. It is that support that makes positive changes actually happen!
Q. How did you get started in the industry?
A. I fell into the industry by fluke and quickly fell in love with it. I am a sociable person and thrive around people, so the events industry gives me my fix! I started as a coordinator but got promoted through the ranks in the proactive sales side. Further in my career I managed events teams and implemented strategies to increase conversion.
Q. Best moment for you at your company so far?
A. My best moments are when I get emails from the team’s I work with saying “I’ve just confirmed 3 events using the techniques from your workshop yesterday!” Seeing the teams grow in confidence, knowledge and enthusiasm is the best bit. The only thing that tops that is when their Directors start noticing!
Q. How can your organisation’s services make a Delegate Wrangler’s life easier?
A. We have found that a lot of line managers don’t have the time to support their teams to implement what they learn from training sessions. Therefore we don’t only grow your teams experience, confidence and sales skills, we hold them accountable to improve as well. That is when the magic happens!
Q. And finally – you’ve got one question to ask a famous person – who would it be and what would you ask?
A. I feel like I should be saying something witty here..but my inner geek is going to come out! My idol is Karren Brady and I would love to ask her for any advice on my business plan! I know how to sell an event; I don’t know how to write a start-up business plan!
I am currently selling the How to Increase Conversion: The A to Z Guide A2 Poster to go on your office wall. This tool is a constant reminder for teams to use the 26 sales tactics included day to day, and ultimate increase their sales skills and conversion on the job.

The poster is just £26 (£1 per point!) and I would love to include Free P&P to all Delegate Wranglers during the month of May. There is a limited number available so email me on to grab yours now!
You can contact Kate here:
Tel: 07746 843417
Linked in: