Yes Promo Products Ltd

Member since 17th Apr 2023

If you’re looking for promotional products and clothing for your company, charity, school or sports club, we’d be delighted to help you.

We love the challenge of finding the ‘perfect fit’ branded merchandise for your organisation.

It is quite mind boggling how many options there are - so it’s helpful to have assistance from industry experts.

Promotional products and clothing not only increase awareness, leads and loyalty, they represent your brand, so they need to be chosen carefully.

We can help with small and large orders of everything you can imagine!

Our reputation has been built on going above and beyond expectations to really deliver the best customer service experience. From creative ideas, expert advice and competitive prices, to pulling out all the stops to support an urgent deadline.

For over a decade we’ve been helping organisations in Sussex, Surrey, Kent and across the UK with all types of corporate gifts.

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FAQs answered by Yes Promo Products Ltd

How do we decide what branded items to get?
Decide who your target audience is and get something that they will want to keep and use. This will keep your brand uppermost in their minds on a daily bases. example: don't get something to keep on a desk if your target market is site based or on mostly the road
is it better to get lots of cheaper items rather than less more expensive ones?
Again, know your audience. if it is schools and you need hundreds or thousands of items, we can help you choose something that will appeal but not break the bank
What is the lead time?
this can depend on the product. for most clothing, this would be about two weeks. if you want an item from the far east this can be anything from 4 - 12 weeks. often you can get UK manufactured equivalents but this will reflect in the cost.

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