The Delegate Wranglers® membership hits 21,000

The Delegate Wranglers® membership hits 21,000

Published by Neil Thompson

8th December 2020

Published by Neil Thompson
8th December 2020

The Delegate Wranglers® - the event industry's most engaged & positive community - reached another milestone by recently welcoming it's 21,000th member.

Despite the difficulties for the industry during 2020, the community has continued to grow and actually increase the number of membership requests each week. The group has launched numerous initiatives to assist it's members and the wider industry during 2020 - including the free weekly DW Live show to upskill viewers so they are ready for the restart of the industry, free industry job adverts, free event calendar listings and much more.

Founder of DW, Neil Thompson said, "Our members never cease to amaze me, with their positivity and assistance that they offer each other every single day. And to keep recommending us to other people in the industry is just unbelievable and makes Diane and myself very proud that we can help. It is our duty and pleasure to help as many people as possible get back on their feet whilst always provide assistance & solutions for event planners and job leads for event suppliers. Now onto 22,000 !!"

If you're not already a member and you would like to apply to join the group, head over to: