Warwickshire Hospitality business shares sales top tips with the Warwickshire business community.
Kathryn Clarke, Hello Hospitality sales and marketing consultancy business owner was invited to present at Venture House Business Centre’s business networking event on the 10th June. sharing her top tips for making sales calls and how to stay pro-active during lockdown.
Venture House provides a unique environment for people starting up a business and for fledgling businesses. The Centre aims to inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs and offer support to existing small enterprises. The building’s interior has been transformed into a centre designed to stimulate innovation, cater for a variety of needs and encourage interaction and collaboration within a new business community.
The relaxed, friendly networking group is open to all and provides an opportunity to get to know other like-minded small businesses whilst increasing your own business profile. Taking place on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, each meeting includes a short 'Top Tips' session from a guest speaker aimed to help your business as well as an opportunity to connect with other small businesses in small breakout sessions.

Clarke says, “I was thrilled to be asked to share my tips due to a long career in sales and business development specialising in the events and hospitality sector but with principles relative to all sectors. It’s a common problem that small business owners can feel uncomfortable making sales calls or may be unsure about data and sales call compliance. Making sales calls requires persistence and resilience; being well prepared with clear call objectives and prepared for objections will help achieve better results.”
“As we emerge from lockdown to try and reinvigorate the economy, telephone sales and marketing will be key in reconnecting with customers and prospects as face to face meetings and events won’t be possible initially.”
For more information contact Kathryn Clarke of Hello Hospitality
Mobile: 07968 358961
Email: kathryn@hello-hospitality.co.uk
Website: www.hello-hospitality.co.uk